BMI Calculator

A starting point to your wellness journey with the AfriVita BMI Calculator.

This simple yet powerful tool helps you measure your Body Mass Index (BMI) — a key indicator of how your body weight compares to what would be expected for your height. Understanding your BMI is the first step towards making informed decisions about your health.


A higher BMI increases the chance of developing long-term conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The BMI calculation is just one measure of health.

You can use this tool to:

  • Check your BMI (for adults aged 18 and over)
  • Get information about what to do next

You should not use this tool to diagnose any symptoms. If you are worried about your weight, contact your local pharmacist or GP surgery.

You should not use this tool if:

  • You are under 18 years old
  • You are pregnant
  • You have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, or think you may have one
  • You have a condition that affects your height

What you will need:

To use the calculator, you will need to know your:

  • Height
  • Weight

Ethnic background

The calculator will also ask for information on your ethnic background. This is because people from an Asian, Black African, African-Caribbean, or Middle Eastern ethnic background have a higher chance of developing health problems at a lower BMI.

When you enter information on your ethnic background, the calculator will give you more accurate advice about your BMI result.

By using this tool you agree to our terms and conditions.

BMI Calculator

Are you aged 18 or over?

This tool will only give accurate BMI results for adults aged 18 years and over.

BMI Calculator

Enter your height and weight:

We use your height and weight to calculate your BMI.

BMI Calculator

What is your ethnic background?

Providing information about your ethnic background will allow the calculator to give you more accurate advice about your BMI result. This is because people from an Asian, Black African, African-Caribbean or Middle Eastern ethnic background have a higher chance of developing health problems at a lower BMI.

BMI Calculator

Your BMI Underweight Healthy Overweight Obese

What your result means:

Measure Your Waist

BMI is just one way to assess your health. It doesn't account for how much fat you carry or where it is distributed on your body, particularly around your waist. Carrying too much fat around your waist can increase your risk of health issues, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

For a more accurate assessment, it's recommended to measure your waist circumference. Ideally, your waist measurement should be less than half your height.

This is especially important for people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Research shows that people of Asian, Black African, African-Caribbean, and Middle Eastern descent may be at a higher risk of health problems at a lower BMI. Therefore, monitoring waist circumference can provide additional insight into your health risks.

Make some health changes:

See your GP

If you have any concerns, book an appointment with your GP to discuss your BMI result with them, if you have not already done so.

Make The Change

Ready To Transform Your Health?
A higher BMI increases the chance of developing long-term conditions, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Because BMI can't distinguish between muscle and fat, it's important to explore deeper health insights. Whether you're looking to confirm your fitness level or identify potential health risks, our Health Test Kit and Lifestyle Health Programs offer tailored solutions to help you maintain and improve your wellness.
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